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Has Link Building changed after Hummingbird Algorithm ?
There has been lot of confusion ever since Google announced that it had rolled out a new algorithm called Hummingbird.
Everybody seems to be saying that its content that becomes really important now and the whole concept of offering SEO Packages needs rethinking.
One of the important components of these SEO Packages was “Link Building” for which after this update marketers are unable to find a clear solution.
Should Link Building be offered as part of the package? or focus only on putting unique content which would attract links automatically.
I did my research to see what other people had to say about this:
According to Carrie-ann Sudlow who is a UK based Internet Marketing Consultant ” Be a proactive member of your online community and links would follow if you’re content is interesting enough”
According to Joe Hall who is the Senior Marketing Analyst at Internet Marketing Ninjas ” Fact remains that Hummingbird shouldn’t have any impact on link building though as such links have become less of a ranking factor over the years”
According to Jason Corgiat who works at LeapGo ” Encourage website visitors to share content through social media websites. Including buttons that allow visitors to share content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social media websites is ideal.”
So what Google is indicating is that your linking techniques should focus on providing real value to users.
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