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During a Job Interview, your actions are closely monitored by the Interviewer. Yes the Job Interview is a serious thing.

Sometimes though as a Job Seeker you do things without any wrong intentions but the interviewer thinks otherwise resulting in the loss of that crucial opportunity.

Here is a funny story that highlights the point I am making:

“A candidate was sitting across the table in a weird position and both his hands were beneath the table, and there was a weird scratching sound coming from under the table throughout the interview. I ignored the sound and the weird posture and continued to interview the candidate. At the end of the interview, I asked if he has any questions.

"He asked, “Do you like cookies?” Although I found it weird, I replied, “Yes. Everybody likes cookies.”

“And voila, the candidate whipped out a basket of cookies from under the table and presented it to me. After overcoming my surprise, I accepted the gift and realised the scratching sound was caused by the candidate trying to scratch off the price tag.

Check this Article for more funny(weird) interview stories

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