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Social Worker Job Resume Primary Education Online Unit Coordinator

1. Why do you want to work for this company?

Answer hint: Give honest reasons rather than just giving answers that are completely flattery.

2. Why do you want this Job?

Answer hint: Give reasons that demonstrate your interest and skills relevant to the job

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answer hint: You should customise your strengths according to the employer needs and don’t make your weakness sound funny.

4. Why would you be good at this job?

Answer hint: Your need to thoroughly understand the job position and check if your skills match them.


5. What are your goals?

Answer hint: Customise according to the job needs

6. Why should we employ you over anyone else?

Answer hint: Employer needs to hear that “extra” so highlight your special skills.

7. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Answer hint: You are not competing but want to have more experience in the field

8. What are your Salary expectations?

Answer hint: Do some market research

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