The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) will lead a consortium of Australia’s regional universities to put in place a virtual classroom for teachers and students to upgrade skills in the areas of maths and science.
Using the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) as its platform the digital classroom project will pilot a teaching and professional development program will that will connect students from schools located in rural and regional settings to engage in online teaching activities in mathematics and science.
USQ as a leader in distance education and the online delivery of study materials will provide expert guidance in the construction of the virtual classroom and will help coordinate and administer the program.
Initially involving Years 9 and 10, school students regardless of their location will have the ability to connect through the internet with other students across the country and be involved in a range of pursuits that will inspire the study of mathematics and science.
The Regional Universities Network (RUN) project will also develop a professional development program for maths/science teachers giving them the opportunities for engagement and exposure to maths and science experts provided by the virtual centre. The network will also allow teachers to interact and develop a community of practice where they can build on their own experiences and value add to the opportunities for other teachers.
The program will be developed in association with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), as well as the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) and the Primary Centre for Science Education (PICSE) which have developed successful professional development and outreach programs for schools, teachers and community groups.
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Regional Universities Network (RUN) – A network of six universities with headquarters in regional Australia and a shared commitment to playing a transformative role in their regions. Through their educational and research contributions to regional economic, social, cultural and environmental development, the RUN member universities play an important and distinctive role in advancing Australia’s national prosperity, productivity and identity.