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Social Worker Job Resume Primary Education Online Unit Coordinator

When it comes to job hunting both your online profile and offline document become important.

Now Linkedin is considered most important by employers and ideally speaking it should be an extension of your resume.

Your physical resume is a formal document and generally smaller the better.

On linkedin, you can be less formal and showcase your skills and employment history in a detailed manner by including pictures, company logos etc.

It’s advised that you should not include your photo on your physical resume but you should include a professional photo on your linkedin profile.

Your resume has limited reach as you send it to people who are related to a particular vacancy, your linkedin profile on the other hand is searchable and the search ability improves when you keep updating the profile with new skills and you get connected to people related to your field.

The status update feature of linkedin gives you an opportunity to share unique and informative stuff which convey your interests.

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